Issue037 – Teamwork or Strong Individual

“Businesses and other organizations have overemphasized the importance of working as a team. Clearly, in any human group, it is the strong individual, the person with the most commitment and energy, who gets things done.”

Discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the opinion stated above. Support your views with reasons and/or examples from your own experience, observations, or reading.


  • Arco Issue 36
  • 老莫舊版作文 Issue 36



氣候暖化 北極今夏可能出現無冰現象
更新日期:2008/06/29 16:20 陳維聰

(法新社華盛頓二十八日電) 一名美國科學家昨天說,北極今年夏季可能短暫出現無冰現象。這將是因為地球暖化,北極冰層在融化中進入新階段的重大事件。









Argument110 – Take Heart business plan

The following appeared as part of a business plan created by the management of the Take Heart Fitness Center.

“After opening the new swimming pool early last summer, Take Heart saw a 12 percent increase in the use of the center by members. Therefore, in order to increase the number of our members and thus our revenues, which depend on membership fees, we should continue to add new recreational facilities in subsequent years: for example, a multipurpose game room, a tennis court, and a miniature golf course. Being the only center in the area offering this range of activities would give us a competitive advantage in the health and recreation market.”

Discuss how well reasoned you find this argument. In your discussion be sure to analyze the line of reasoning and the use of evidence in the argument.


  • Arco Argument 102
  • 老莫舊版作文 Argument 100


English Composition Practice

GMAT 和 TOEFL 都要考寫作,而要加強寫作的唯一方式就是多寫。因此從今天開始要強迫自己每天至少寫一篇 issue 和 argument。在這裡的文章都是自己練習寫的,如果 ETS 看到這個然後拿這個來說我考試時寫的是抄襲的話,那就有趣了。我也非常歡迎大家的 comment,這樣才能讓自己寫得更好。希望大家不吝指教,謝謝各位。

Both GMAT and TOEFL test writing skills. The best ways to improve one’s composition are to write, to write, and to write. Therefore, I’ve made up my mind to compose one issue essay and one argument essay every day. All articles here are original works. If ETS finds that my articles in the GMAT exam are similar to the posts here, hopefully I will not be accused of plagiarism!


停寫 blog 三個多月,其實是因為這段時間,一邊工作,一邊補 GMAT 和 TOEFL,中間還要準備年底結婚的事。諸事紛陳,案牘勞形,因此就暫時沒寫 blog。而從七月一號起,感謝老闆最後還是願意幫忙,得以請了一個三個月左右的長假(當然是不給薪),這段時間,可要好好開始努力閉關苦讀囉!
